SessionServ allows network staff to manage session limits, delivers warnings to users nearing these limits, and allows owners of blocks to view their blocks and usage. This is particularly helpful for users with shared bouncer services or other occurrences where multiple connections originate from a single IP block.
We recommend you use the online HELP functionality to gain an understanding of what each of these commands do.
/msg SessionServ HELP [command] e.g. /msg SessionServ HELP LIST
The following commands are available:
DELEGATE Transfers a session rule to another services account. HELP Displays contextual help information. INFO Gives all details about a session restriction. LIST Lists session restrictions.
Acquiring ownership of a block
To get a block delegated to your NickServ account, you need to acquire assistance from a network staff member. You can request a block be delegated to you as long as you can prove you are the owner of the block. Network staff can then assign you a custom rule, based on how many connections you expect to be used within your block. Keep in mind that session rules will expire if the account they are associated with expires.
Listing blocks you own
/msg SessionServ LIST [IP Block]
This will list all session rules within the IP Block that are delegated to you. If no IP block is specified, SessionServ will show all rules delegated to you.
Example: /msg SessionServ LIST Lists all rules delegated to your account. /msg SessionServ LIST Lists all rules that apply in the block.
To view detailed information about an IP block, you can use the INFO command.
/msg SessionServ INFO <IP Block>
This must match an existing rule exactly. This can be used on any rule that is owned by you.
Example: /msg SessionServ INFO Shows information about the rule
Delegating a block to another user
/msg SessionServ DELEGATE <IP Block> <owner>
This will assign ownership of the session rule under that block to another services account. You will lose ownership of the rule when you delegate it to another account, so be careful.
Example: /msg SessionServ DELEGATE jilles Delegates the rule on to the services account 'jilles'.